A Winter Visitor
In my last post, I spoke about the fine tightrope I walk gardening to grow fruit and vegetables while also promoting wildlife. To monitor my progress on both these fronts, I not only record my harvests but also remain constantly vigilant of the beautiful species visiting, growing in, and using my tiny 100th of an acre plot. So, you can imagine my fixed concentration earlier this week when I glimpsed an unusual bird foraging for invertebrates in the loose soil around my recently transplanted raspberry canes. It looked superficially robin like in form and behaviour, but its colour was all wrong, a solid sooty grey. I watched intently as it flicked up onto the garden wall revealing a flash of rusty red under its tail. What a stunning little one, repeatedly bobbing in the sun's early morning rays. This was certainly a totally unfamiliar species to me. I kept watching with curious excitement, taking in every detail I could make out. Something of serious note was the subtle tendency for ...