Vegetable Growing Calendar

I've always liked those little gantt chart style sowing calendars you see every so often. You know the ones I'm talking about, those little calendars that show you when to sow and harvest your vegetables, if everything goes according to plan of course. I always look at these calendars and think, gosh this has such potential... But, this one is too difficult to read, that one is missing the vegetables I like, and these ones I'm never going to have in my allotment shed or garage or greenhouse when I need them. Yet despite all that, they still have such potential, if only... Well, this month I took the plunge. Taking inspiration from all the others, I built my own. I published it here: Vegetable Growing Calendar freely available to all. I'll let it speak for itself. Before leaving you to explore, I should mention that over the winter you will notice the list of varieties in there grow. This project has encouraged me to slowly begin working my way through my massively di...