Allotment Waterlogging Mitigation

In the last month, our City Council offered us a different allotment plot, one less windswept and possessing a thriving Allotment Association. Hurray! The timing of this couldn't be better from the point of view of observing the pressures the ground faces from Devon's wet winter weather. The shallow sloping plot possesses a thin layer of heavy clay soil over what appears to be shillet. Bad for drainage, it must be said. After rain, the site becomes a quagmire of mud with pools of standing water. Not ideal, but equally not insurmountable. The plot design must mitigate waterlogging while catering for the periods of dry summer weather we occasionally, yes occasionally, get too. This clearly requires careful consideration. After contemplating this question over several nights of fitful sleep, this is the plan I'm actioning. A photo of my progress to date describes it nicely. As you can see, it's a lot of graft, but hopefully worth it. The approach consists of building up a ...