Pak Choi and Nettles

I'm feeling conscious my last post was rather sterile with so much text and no photos. I'm determined to rectify that today.

This is my first time growing pak choi and boy am I pleased with the results. I'm growing them interplanted with carrots, the ferny looking foliage, along with chard which are more difficult to distinguish from the pak choi. They both have wide spreading leaves.
Stinging Nettles opportunistically growing with pak choi, carrot, and chard

Some stinging nettles have opportunistically taken up residence between these plants. An unexpected welcome addition. Honestly. 
Nettles provide so many benefits. First of all, nettles refuse to grow in anything but nitrogen rich soil indicating my raised planter is fertile. Considering how well everything is growing in it that's a bit of a given, but added confirmation is nice too. By the way, nettles are brilliant additions for your compost bin to help activate decomposition.
Additionally, nettles are delicious. Nettle tea, nettle soup, nettle pesto, Cornish yarg cheese. That last one is seriously tasty; cheese literally wrapped in nettles. I'm growing these nettles now to try out this spanakopita recipe I've never tried before. I'll see if I can remember to let you know how that goes in the spring.


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