Propaganda Gardening

I'd never heard the term propaganda gardening until today. This, however, does not mean I've never contemplated the concept. I just didn't have a name for it previously. 

In fact, I've already planted one. Back in the autumn, I planted up my front garden as a tiny orchard garden. The popular term for it would be 'forest garden', but I always find that phrase a difficult one. It feels rather misleading. To me, the word 'forest' conjures up images of vast tracts of giant sequoias, or other such climax tree communities. 

This is why I prefer 'orchard garden'. Mine, less than 10 square metres, contains plum trees, apples, black currants, red currants, gooseberries, and at this very moment flower seedlings galore of every description. I threw down literally every wildflower seed I collected last year. Ah, we can't forget the punctuations of daffodil and crocus bulbs either, not yet flowering in the crisp February air.

My own little propaganda garden. Our neighbours probably haven't even noticed it yet because it looks like nothing more than some leafless twigs in a patch of dug up earth. The flower seedlings will soon change that. I'm so excited to watch it mature and quietly, humbly, spread its incredible edible message. 

Orchard Garden

Incredible Edible! That's another inspiring tale. I'll leave it to a future post.


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