Heroic Little Toadlets!

Living in rainy Devon, UK, one gets used to the disappointment caused by slugs and snails decimating beautiful young seedlings. Due to this all too frequent occurrence in my own garden, I'm constantly on the look out for ways to keep them under control. I outright refuse to use slug pellets or any other pesticides though. However frustrating slugs can be, I have no interest in eradicating them or their shelled relatives completely. I merely wish to keep them in check until my delicate seedlings mature to a point where they can hold their own. A little nibble here and there encourages plants to bolster its own natural defences. Similar to how it is healthier for us humans to strengthen our own immune systems coming into contact with visuses like the common cold regularly, rather than cloistering ourselves away in sterile conditions. So today I was excited to welcome a new form of mollosc control to my little patch of paradise, toads! As you can see, they are minute right now, baby...